
The little I know


Minha vó me ensinou a agulha como metáfora do perdão
(My grandmother taught me the needle as a metaphor for forgiveness)
rope, silk screen, sewing, embroidery and paiting on fabric
218 x 160 cm

Com minha mãe aprendi a extrair leite das pedras
(With my mother I learned to get blood from stones)
rope, silk screen, sewing, embroidery, crochet and painting on fabric
218 x 160 cm

Meu pai me deu a fome e a coragem dos bichos do deserto
(My father gave me the hunger and courage of the desert beasts)
rope, silk screen, sewing, embroidery, painting and photographic print on fabric
218 x 160 cm

Exhibition view ‘On the shoulders of giants', Nara Roesler Gallery, Nova York, 2021.  Photographs by Charles Roussel.
Photographs of individual works by Flávio Freire.